Is It Normal to Lose Hair at the Age of 23?

Do you know that some people go bald as early as in their 20’s? A key cause of premature balding is male pattern baldness, a genetic condition also known as androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia affects both men and women in different age groups.

Is Hair Loss Normal in Your 20s?

Going bald at the age of 20 or in your early teens usually happens gradually. Some of the initial symptoms of premature balding are a receding hairline or hair thinning. Remember that this type of balding is prevalent among young people and is quite normal.

According to the American Hair Loss Association data, 25% of men have some level of male pattern baldness before they reach the age of 20-21.

Symptoms of Balding

The following are some symptoms of balding:

  • Gradual thinning
  • Patchy bald spots
  • Full-body hair loss
  • Scaly patches

See Also: Is It Possible to Regrow Hair on Bald Spots?

Stages of Balding

To measure the severity of the balding, doctors usually use Hamilton–Norwood scale, in which male pattern baldness has seven important stages as explained below:

  • Stage 1: In this stage, there is no major recession of the hairline.
  • Stage 2: In the second stage, you will experience a slight recession of the hairline around the temples, possibly forming an m shaped hairline.
  • Stage 3A: This is when the hairline experiences a deep recession and becomes prominent around the temples forming an M, V, or U outline.
  • Stage 3 Vertex: In this stage, hair loss happens on the top of the scalp (the vertex).
  • Stage 4: During this stage, hair loss becomes more prominent in both areas gradually. However, you can still see a band of hair separating the two areas in this stage.
  • Stage 5: In this stage, the band of hair separating the balding areas starts narrowing, and the hairline is now shaped like a “horseshoe.”
  • Stage 6: During this stage of male pattern baldness, you will have only very thin hair left on the crown.
  • Stage 7: this is the final hair loss stage, where the crown region of the scalp becomes completely bald, leaving only a band of fine hair around the side of the head.

Causes of Going Bald in Your 20s

The main cause of going bald in your 20’s is male pattern baldness/hereditary. Other common causes are poor nutrition and diet, high alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, and certain medical conditions.

See Also: How Do I Know If My Hair Loss Is Stress-Related?

Methods to Prevent Balding

Some of the hair restoration procedures at the New Jersey Hair Restoration Center that can prevent balding are,

  • FUT Hair Transplant: This is a minimally invasive and highly advanced technique where your surgeon cuts a strip of skin from your scalp (about 1 to 1.5 cm wide) and extracts the hair follicles from it. These hair follicles are then transplanted into the balding areas of your scalp.
  • FUE Hair Transplant: It’s a non-invasive hair restoration surgery performed as an outpatient procedure that uses tiny incisions on your scalp to transplant hair in the target areas with minimal scarring. It typically lasts about 2-4 hours, although it might last longer at times.
  • Non-Surgical Options: Medications to control hair loss include Minoxidil, an OTC medication, and Finasteride, a prescription-based medication (for males). These treatments can be used autonomously or combined with other therapies. (Platelet-Rich Plasma) PRP is another effective non-surgical hair loss treatment.

Coping with Hair Loss

If you have just started to lose hair, the most desirable resolution is reversing it. However, this may not be possible or feasible for all people. You can either shave your hair off or wear hats or wigs.

See Also: What Are the Best Treatment Options for Thinning Hair?

Opt for the Best Hair Transplant in New Jersey

Don’t lose hope if you are suffering from male pattern baldness and are still in your early twenties. Contact our team of hair restoration professionals at the New Jersey Hair Restoration Center to help you with the best solution for hair loss at 23.


How Long Does It Take to Go Bald?

This can vary depending on each individual. It typically takes approximately 15-25 years for a person to go completely bald. In extreme cases, it’s also possible to complete this cycle within five years.

If I Find My Hair Is Receding a lot, Will I Go Bald?

If you find yourself in a particular stage of balding according to the Hamilton–Norwood scale, chances are you are developing male pattern baldness and will lose your hair slowly.

Is Balding a Sign of Low Testosterone?

It can be. Low levels of testosterone can cause hair loss and baldness.

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